
Shell Typology Guide

Shell Typology Guide

This colorful handbook will help to familiarize students with the numerous types of prehistoric shells found along Florida’s coasts and waterways.


Plants and People: A Florida Plant Guide

Plants and People: A Florida Plant Guide

This colorful handbook will help to familiarize students with the numerous types of native plants found in Florida and how people have used them in the past.



Plants and People Handout

Plants and People Handout

Use this handout to help you identify a few native Florida plants and how people from the past used them in their everyday lives.


Faunal Remains Handout

Faunal Remains Handout

Use this handout to learn how to tell the differences between the bones of birds, mammals, reptiles, and fish.


Ship Construction Handout

Ship Construction Handout

This handout provides ship vocabulary and helps you learn the names of different parts of a ship.


Pottery Handout

Pottery Handout

Learn how to identify temper and decoration in prehistoric pottery found in Florida.


Human Skeleton Handout

Human Skeleton Handout

Learn to identify the bones in your body, as well as what they might reveal about you.


Hunting Tech Handout

Hunting Tech Handout

This handout shows how stone points have changed through time in Florida.


Shells Handout

Shells Handout

Use this handout to help you identify some shells found in Florida and how Native Americans used them.


Activity Booklets

Little Salt Springs Activity Booklet

Little Salt Springs Activity Booklet

Explore thousands of years of prehistory at Little Salt Spring, one of the oldest archaeological sites in Florida, located in Sarasota County with Tommy the Tortoise, Junior Archaeologist.


Weedon Island Activity Booklet

Weedon Island Activity Booklet

Explore the thousands of years of prehistory at the Weedon Island archaeological site in Pinellas County, Florida with Tommy the Tortoise, Junior Archaeologist.


Crystal River Activity Booklet

Crystal River Activity Booklet

Explore thousands of years of prehistory at the Crystal River archaeological site in Citrus County, Florida with Tommy the Tortoise, Junior Archaeologist.

Division of Anthropology and Archaeology