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ASSISTANCE TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS. FPAN aids local governments in identifying, managing, preserving, and sharing their cultural resources. Governmental Opportunities for Preserving Heritage Resources (GOPHR) North Central Region staff planned and presented several GOPHR workshops to various civic organizations and local govern- ments. This program was devel- oped by Tristan Harrenstein and is now being delivered in regions statewide with topics ranging from heritage tourism to the National Register of Historic Places. Staff also presented on this program at the American Planning Association Florida Chapter conference and the Annual Meeting of the Florida Anthropological Society (FAS). Responding to Cemetery Needs and Human Burial Requests for Assistance East Central Region staff re- sponded to several DHR requests for assistance with issues related to abandoned cemeteries and unmarked human burials. As staff teach in the Cemetery Resource Protection Training (CRPT) work- shops, Chapter 872, also known as Florida’s Unmarked Burial Law, makes it illegal to willfully or knowingly disturb human remains or associated features above the ground. Violations of 872 are often urgent and require a site visit to observe potential disturbance to a site. FPAN does not enforce any laws, but we do provide educa- tion and when requested assist in gathering archaeological docu- mentation. While details relating to potential 872 related events are sensitive and details confidential, it is important work the public is largely unaware of that requires increased coordination with local government and communication with the public. In February 2018, East Central Region staff worked closely with Dr. Kathryn Miyar (BAR Conservation and Collec- tions Supervisor), a county permit- ting office, and the landowner to help resolve complicated issues that arose when private landowner encountered human remains dis- turbed by previous owners. In Northwest Florida, the City of Milton and the UWF Archaeology Institute reached out to FPAN staff to help conduct a CRPT workshop in the wake of severe damage from vandalism at the Milton Historic Cemetery in late 2017. By hosting a CRPT workshop, City of Milton resource managers hoped to create some positive press related to the cemetery and enhance community engagement at the site. An overwhelming suc- cess, workshop attendees includ- ed local community members, law enforcement, and City stakehold- ers. Sarah Miller of the Northeast Region assisted Northwest staff in facilitating the workshop. Project Assistance In July 2017, staff from the South- east Region had the privilege of assisting University of Florida archaeologist Nate Lawres with Left: City of Milton staff record a marker during a CRPT. Right: North Central Region staff conduct a GOPHR mini-workshop during FAS.